首页> 外文会议>Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXVII >Computational methods for improving thermal imaging for consumer devices

Computational methods for improving thermal imaging for consumer devices


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In consumer imaging, the spatial resolution of thermal microbolometer arrays is limited by the large physical size of the individual detector elements. This also limits the number of pixels per image. If thermal sensors are to find a place in consumer imaging, as the newly released FLIR One would suggest, this resolution issue must be addressed. Our work focuses on improving the output quality of low resolution thermal cameras through computational means. The method we propose utilises sub-pixel shifts and temporal variations in the scene, using information from thermal and visible channels. Results from simulations and lab experiments are presented.
机译:在消费者成像中,热微测辐射热计阵列的空间分辨率受到单个检测器元件的大物理尺寸的限制。这也限制了每个图像的像素数。如果像最新发布的FLIR One所建议的那样,热传感器要在消费者成像中找到一席之地,则必须解决此分辨率问题。我们的工作重点是通过计算手段提高低分辨率热像仪的输出质量。我们提出的方法利用来自热通道和可见通道的信息,利用场景中的子像素移动和时间变化。给出了模拟和实验室实验的结果。



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