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Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources with SPARQL


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Integrated access to multiple distributed and autonomous RDF data sources is a key challenge for many semantic web applications. As a reaction to this challenge, SPARQL, the W3C Recommendation for an RDF query language, supports querying of multiple RDF graphs. However, the current standard does not provide transparent query federation, which makes query formulation hard and lengthy. Furthermore, current implementations of SPARQL load all RDF graphs mentioned in a query to the local machine. This usually incurs a large overhead in network traffic, and sometimes is simply impossible for technical or legal reasons. To overcome these problems we present DARQ, an engine for federated SPARQL queries. DARQ provides transparent query access to multiple SPARQL services, i.e.. it gives the user the impression to query one single RDF graph despite the real data being distributed on the web. A service description language enables the query engine to decompose a query into sub-queries, each of which can be answered by an individual service. DARQ also uses query rewriting and cost-based query optimization to speed-up query execution. Experiments show that these optimizations significantly improve query performance even when only a very limited amount of statistical information is available.
机译:对多个分布式和自治RDF数据源的集成访问是许多语义Web应用程序面临的主要挑战。为了应对这一挑战,SPARQL(一种用于RDF查询语言的W3C建议)支持查询多个RDF图。但是,当前标准没有提供透明的查询联合,这使查询的制定变得困难而冗长。此外,SPARQL的当前实现将查询中提到的所有RDF图加载到本地计算机。这通常会增加网络流量的开销,有时出于技术或法律原因根本是不可能的。为了克服这些问题,我们提出了DARQ,这是用于联合SPARQL查询的引擎。 DARQ提供了对多个SPARQL服务的透明查询访问权限,即,尽管实际数据已分发在Web上,它也给用户留下了查询一个单一RDF图的印象。服务描述语言使查询引擎能够将查询分解为子查询,每个子查询都可以由单个服务来回答。 DARQ还使用查询重写和基于成本的查询优化来加快查询执行速度。实验表明,即使只有非常有限的统计信息可用,这些优化也可以显着提高查询性能。



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