
Field Testing of CIE DE2000 in Critical Areas of Color Space

机译:CIE DE2000在色彩空间关键区域的现场测试

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The color difference formula recommended by AATCC, DECMC, is often reported to correlaternpoorly with expert visual assessment in certain regions of CIELAB color space, particularlyrnblues, grays, and dark colors. Recently, the CIE developed and adopted a new colorrndifference formula, CIE DE2000, in an attempt to overcome the deficiencies of currentlyrnrecommended color difference formulae such as DE94 and DECMC. The new formula has notrnyet been widely tested in an industrial color technology arena. In collaboration with ISO, thernAATCC research committee on color measurement, RA36, has commenced plant field trialsrnusing colored textile substrates to assess and compare the performance of DE2000 tornDECMC. Initial data are reported that compare these color difference formulae to visualrnassessment using color standards that lie in critical areas of color space.
机译:据报道,AATCC,DECMC建议的色差公式与CIELAB色彩空间的某些区域(尤其是蓝色,灰色和深色)的专家视觉评估之间的关联性较差。最近,CIE开发并采用了新的色差公式CIE DE2000,以克服目前推荐的色差公式(例如DE94和DECMC)的不足。新配方尚未在工业色彩技术领域进行广泛测试。 rnAATCC色彩测量研究委员会(RA36)与ISO合作,已经开始使用彩色纺织品底物进行工厂现场试验,以评估和比较DE2000 tornDECMC的性能。据报道,初步数据将这些色差公式与使用色彩空间关键区域中的色彩标准的视觉评估进行了比较。



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