首页> 外文会议>Tailings and Mine Waste Conference; 20041010-13; Vail,CO(US) >Tailings management: A simple way to increase water reclaim

Tailings management: A simple way to increase water reclaim


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Cia Minera Dona Ines de Collahuasi (Collahuasi) is mining the Ujina copper deposit since late 1998, feeding with copper sulfides the concentration plant, whose nominal process capacity was 60,000 tons of dry mineral ore per day (tpd). Starting in 2004, it was decided to feed the concentrator plant from the Rosario ore deposit. As part of the transition between the Ujina and Rosario ore deposits, Collahuasi decided to increase mine production and processing from 65,000 tpd (current production) until a final treatment capacity of 120,000 tpd was reached. This expanded production meant an increase in the use of fresh water, resource that is highly scarce in the area and very environmentally sensitive. As a way of reducing this greater demand for water, Collahuasi considered modifying the process and tailings deposition, trying to minimize water losses and maximize the impoundment's rate of reclaim. This modification included the relocation of the tailings pond, which had to be done without interrupting the impoundment's nor the water reclaim operation, a task without precedent for an operation of this magnitude in Chile. This paper describes the modifications performed in the tailings deposition scheme, the increase in the water reclaim rate obtained during the first months of implementation, and its comparison with projected values. This project of pond relocation as well as its implementation is an excellent demonstration of a successful team effort between engineering and operations meeting a established objective.
机译:Cia Minera Dona Ines de Collahuasi(Collahuasi)自1998年下半年开始开采Ujina铜矿床,向硫化铜供入选矿厂,该厂的日处理能力为每天60,000吨干矿矿石(tpd)。从2004年开始,决定从罗萨里奥(Rosario)矿床中提炼选矿厂。作为Ujina和Rosario矿床之间过渡的一部分,Collahuasi决定将矿山的生产和加工量从65,000 tpd(当前产量)提高到最终处理能力为120,000 tpd。产量的增加意味着增加了对淡水资源的使用,淡水资源是该地区极为稀缺的资源,并且对环境非常敏感。作为减少对水的更大需求的一种方式,Collahuasi考虑修改工艺和尾矿沉积,以尽量减少水的损失并最大化水库的回收率。这项修改包括尾矿池的搬迁,必须在不中断蓄水库或水回收作业的情况下进行,这在智利没有规模的作业之先例。本文介绍了在尾矿沉积方案中进行的修改,在实施的头几个月中获得的水回收率的提高以及其与预计值的比较。这个池塘搬迁项目及其实施,很好地证明了工程和运营部门之间成功达成团队合作目标的努力。



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