首页> 外文会议>Systems thinking, globalization of knowledge, and communitarian ethics >otential Marketing roles of 'OTAKU' as innovators and Opinion Leaders for Environment-Friendly Products in the Japanese Market

otential Marketing roles of 'OTAKU' as innovators and Opinion Leaders for Environment-Friendly Products in the Japanese Market

机译:“ OTAKU”作为日本市场上环保产品的创新者和意见领袖的潜在营销角色

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The japanese word"Otake" is used to describe those people who are enthusiats in something. From the relevant literature, the author proposes three categories of Otaku, of which the third category-maniac enthusiasts without any social problems-has a potential marketing role as innovators and opinion leaders. The Japanese are among the highest-per capita consumers of energy in the world, aand their per capita consumption is still increasing. For them, energy-conscious, environment-friendly lifestyles are such new ideas that requirea lot of ocnivncing to adapt. In additio to government regulations and public movements, marketing can play a major role in changing the consumer lifestyles. The third Otake types can play an expert-knowledge provider's role as well as inovator's role in such marketing, bridging between the professionals and average consumers for the latter to adapt new lifestyles.
机译:日语单词“ Otake”用于描述那些热衷于某物的人。从相关文献中,作者提出了三类宅男,其中第三类是没有任何社会问题的狂热爱好者,具有作为创新者和意见领袖的潜在营销角色。日本是世界上人均能源消费量最高的国家之一,而人均消费量仍在增长。对他们而言,注重能源,环保的生活方式是这样的新想法,需要进行很多尝试才能适应。除政府法规和公众运动外,营销可以在改变消费者的生活方式中发挥重要作用。在这种营销中,第三种Otake类型可以扮演专家知识提供者的角色,也可以扮演创新者的角色,在专业人士和普通消费者之间架起桥梁,使后者适应新的生活方式。



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