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The Structural Changes in the Relations of South and North


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This paper was intended to analyze the impact of the option to reduce the entropy on North Korean system currently in a state of nonequilibrium thermodynamics based on the concept of the entropy. Fisrt of all, North Korean political system suffering from the increasing entropy caused by tis structural contradictions and enormous pressure brought in by the change in the international environment is now moving towards the maximum entropy state of critical range. Thereore, it can be said that the system is near the disspative structure and bifurcation, throwing them into a high state of probability. Second, North korea suffering from maximum systemic entropy is attempting to change the environment and bring in negentropy from outside environment rather than the systemic and systematic transtion. Third, the method they use includes(1) heighteningg boundary tension between south and North Korea(2) opening its market within limited areas, and (3) improving foreign relations. COmbining these methods rather than selecting one method among these, North Korea attempts to import necessary negentropy from its environments, to defend itself against being absorbed into south Korea, and to maintain its regime. Such attemptsare not accompanied by the systemic nad systematic changes can result in hte transformation or collapse of its regime if these fail to reduce the entropy. Conversely, if these succeed in reducing he entropy, the system will function in a normal way. In this case, the relation tetween south and North Korea would become antagonistic and competitive in the political and military field, while it would be cooperative in the economic field. From this, stable relatins that lead to a new structure for integration ofthe two countries through ocmplex interactions could emerge from such a rlation.



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