
Systems Sciencesand The Problem of reductionism


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During the first decades the systems sciences were strongly connected with the work of Ludwig von Bertalanffy. By identifying and critically examining hte main features of von bertalanffy's work, it is possible to gain a general view of the problems he grappled with, fo key developments in his thought about systems, and also of certain unresolved tensions that emerged in it. One immediately striking line in von bertalanffy is his resolute struggle against mechanistic reductionism in scientific thoutht. VOn bertalanffy prsistently opposed a purely technical conception ofthe world. initially, the opposed its influence in the field of the natural sciences, especially in biology. Later, however, he also opposed its influence in the human and social sciences. To this end he introduced a new view of the organism: the organism is not a closed system with a static mechanical structure, he argued, but an open system in flowing or dynamic equilibrium. A second line in von bertalanffy's work concerns the quest for a unified science incorpating all the sciences. As a first step towards integration, he introduced the open-system model just referred to into the natural sciences. But von Bertalanffy believed this model can also serve as a basis for integrating all the sciences into a general system theory. here, in a critical assessment, attetion is focused on the systems ontology underlying his thinking. Finally, von bertalanffy's systems view is revisited in the light of Herman Dooyeweerd's conception of modalities, an approach which has iven rise to multi-modal systems thinking, one of the contemporary trends in systems thinking.
机译:在最初的几十年中,系统科学与路德维希·冯·贝塔朗菲的工作紧密相关。通过识别和批判性地研究冯·贝塔兰菲的作品的主要特征,有可能对他所解决的问题,他对系统思想的主要发展以及其中出现的某些未解决的紧张局势有一个大致的了解。冯·贝塔兰菲(von bertalanffy)的一个立即引人注目的界线是他与科学思想上的机械还原主义的坚决斗争。冯·贝塔兰菲(Von bertalanffy)坚决反对世界的纯粹技术概念。最初,它反对它在自然科学领域,尤其是生物学领域的影响。然而,后来,他也反对它对人文科学和社会科学的影响。为此,他提出了一种关于有机体的新观点:他认为,有机体不是具有静态机械结构的封闭系统,而是处于流动或动态平衡的开放系统。冯·贝塔兰菲(von bertalanffy)的工作的第二行涉及寻求将所有科学都融合在一起的统一科学。作为集成的第一步,他介绍了自然科学中提到的开放系统模型。但是冯·贝塔兰菲(von Bertalanffy)认为,该模型还可以作为将所有科学整合到通用系统理论中的基础。在这里,在一次批判性评估中,态度集中在他的思想所基于的系统本体上。最后,冯·贝塔兰菲的系统观点是根据赫尔曼·杜耶维德的模态概念重新审视的,这种方法已经引起了多模态系统思维,这是系统思维的当代趋势之一。



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