
Towards a System Dynamics Model of De Soto's Theory on Informal Economy


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System Dynamics has been recognized as a powerful means to represent theories (Sterman 2000). The value rests not only in the capability of representing interconnected complex structures and simulating behaviors associated with them but also in its strength to communicate counterintuitive and novel ideas. This articles introduces the first phase of a novel project that aims to build a simulation model of the original theory of the Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto (2000). This theory seeks to explain why capitalism has succeeded in particular Western countries while at the same time it has failed in broad regions of the world, primarily in the former communist countries, Africa and Latin America. De Soto presents a very simple and at the same time counterintuitive idea in order to explain why broad regions of the world haven't been able to benefit from capitalism. In short, the core of the theory suggests that the main reason is the inability of such regions to produce capital - in spite of being wealthy regions - because of the lack of representational processes that would make assets visible and productive. According to de Soto (2000) this explains the underdevelopment of many Third World countries and former communist nations.
机译:系统动力学已被公认为代表理论的有力手段(Sterman 2000)。价值不仅在于表示互连的复杂结构和模拟与其关联的行为的能力,还在于其传达反直觉和新颖思想的能力。本文介绍了一个新项目的第一阶段,该项目旨在建立秘鲁经济学家Hernando de Soto(2000)的原始理论的模拟模型。该理论试图解释为什么资本主义在某些西方国家取得了成功,而资本主义却在世界广大地区(主要是在前共产主义国家,非洲和拉丁美洲)失败了。德·索托(De Soto)提出了一个非常简单且同时违反直觉的想法,以解释为什么世界上许多地区都无法从资本主义中受益。简而言之,该理论的核心表明,主要原因是此类地区尽管富裕,但仍无法生产资本,原因是缺乏使资产可见和可生产的代表性过程。根据德索托(2000年),这解释了许多第三世界国家和前共产主义国家的发展不足。



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