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All conclusions are based on the premise that performance in real emergencies correlates well to performance in realistic exercises. 1. Performance of emergency response teams in saving life and mitigating the effect of an emergency is enhanced by effective emergency management. Key areas on which to focus in assessing emergency management performance in exercises are: the performance of the emergency manager and deputy; the information management process; the effectiveness of the team in working together - the team dynamic; and, finally, the roles within the team and the suitability thereof. 2. Information management is an enabler of good emergency management. The skill of being able to display a clear and up-to-date picture of the current situation and forward plan plays a significant role in supporting the emergency management process. 3. The training regime selected can be expected to have a significant bearing in subsequent performance in demonstration exercises. Steering training away from unstructured exercises and towards targeted training exercises, with command and control principles applied, robust information management systems and keeping individuals together in teams all have a direct bearing on the effectiveness of the emergency team. 4. The exercise regime selected can have a significant bearing on subsequent performance in demonstration exercises. Establish a regime of simple, inexpensive exercises, with clear performance standards, and train and exercise until these performance standards are met. Build up the elements of on-site emergency response to a good standard; a little and often would seem to be the key. Overlay emergency management exercises on a firm foundation of basic skills and, again, build up these elements until they can be put together with confidence in large, demonstration exercises. This research was funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The content of this paper, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
机译:所有结论均基于这样的前提,即在实际紧急情况下的表现与在现实演习中的表现有很好的相关性。 1.有效的应急管理可提高应急小组在挽救生命和减轻应急影响方面的绩效。评估演习中应急管理绩效的重点领域包括:应急经理和副经理的绩效;信息管理过程;团队合作的效率-团队动态;最后,团队中的角色及其适用性。 2.信息管理是良好应急管理的推动力。能够清晰显示当前状况和前瞻性计划的技能在支持应急管理过程中起着重要作用。 3.可以预期,所选的训练方式将对示范演习的后续表现产生重大影响。指导培训从无组织的练习转向有针对性的培训练习,并应用命令和控制原则,强大的信息管理系统以及使团队中的个人团结在一起,都直接关系到应急团队的有效性。 4.所选的锻炼方式可能会对示范锻炼的后续表现产生重大影响。建立简单,便宜的演习制度,并制定明确的绩效标准,并进行培训和锻炼,直到达到这些绩效标准。建立良好标准的现场应急响应要素;一点,通常似乎是关键。在基本技能的牢固基础上叠加应急管理练习,然后再次构建这些要素,直到可以放心地将它们组合在一起进行大型示范练习。这项研究由健康与安全执行官(HSE)资助。本文的内容(包括所表达的任何观点和/或结论)仅是作者的观点,并不一定反映HSE政策。



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