
Reexamining the MKM Value Proposition: From Math Web Search to Math Web ReSearch

机译:重新审查MKM价值主张:从Math Web搜索到Math Web ReSearch

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The interest of the field of Mathematical Knowledge Management is predicated on the assumption that by investing into markup or formalization of mathematical knowledge, we can reap benefits in managing (creating, classifying, reusing, verifying, and finding) mathematical theories, statements, and objects. This global value proposition has been used to motivate the pursuit of technologies that can add machine support to these knowledge management tasks. But this (rather naive) technology-centered motivation takes a view merely from the global (macro) perspective, and almost totally disregards the user's point of view and motivations for using it, the local (micro) perspective. In this paper we go a first step into a more principled analysis of the MKM value proposition by focusing on motivations for mathematical search engines from the micro perspective. We will use a table-based method called the "Added-Value Analysis" (AVA) developed by one of the authors. Even though we apply the AVA only to mathematical search engines, the method quickly leads to value considerations that are relevant for the whole field of MKM.
机译:数学知识管理领域的利益是基于这样的假设,即通过投资于数学知识的标记或形式化,我们可以在管理(创建,分类,重用,验证和查找)数学理论,陈述和对象中获得好处。 。这种全球价值主张已被用来激励人们追求可以为这些知识管理任务增加机器支持的技术。但是,这种(不是很幼稚的)以技术为中心的动机仅从全局(宏观)角度来看,而几乎完全无视用户的观点和使用它的动机(局部(微观)观点)。在本文中,我们从微观角度着眼于数学搜索引擎的动机,这是迈向MKM价值主张更原则性分析的第一步。我们将使用其中一位作者开发的基于表的方法,称为“增值分析”(AVA)。即使我们仅将AVA应用于数学搜索引擎,该方法也会很快导致与MKM整个领域相关的价值考量。



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