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Literary Stylistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics


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@@ Systemic functional linguistics has a great currency in Chinese scholarship, due to the efforts of many direct and indirect students of Michael A.K.Halliday in China.I am therefore very honored to be asked by some of these colleagues to talk about systemic functional literary stylistics and to say something about my own work within it.You can find the names of many of these distinguished Chinese systemic linguists in the article by Huang Guowen, "Hallidayan linguistics in China" (2002) , and in the article by Zhang Delu, Edward McDonald, Fang Yan & Huang Guowen, "The development of systemic functional linguistics in China" (2005).Today I want expressly to thank Professor Liu Shisheng of Tsinghua University for his very kind invitation, and Professor Hu Zhuanglin of Peking University for his many years of friendship and support.I also want to thank Liu Nannan and Professor Fang Yan, both of Tsinghua University, the first for her great help in preparing this occasion, and the second for the preparations she is making for the36th Annual International Systemic Functional Congress , to be held here in 2009.My talk today has four parts: 1. systemic functional linguistic descnption illustrated by an English poem; 2. systemic functional linguistic description illustrated by English literary prose; 3. recent important readings in systemic functional literary stylistics; 4.some recent research of my own into the stylistics of systemic functional Theme and Rheme.
机译:@@由于迈克尔·阿克哈利迪(Michael AKHalliday)在中国的许多直接和间接学生的努力,系统功能语言学在中国的学术界享有盛誉。因此,我很荣幸地受到其中一些同事的邀请,谈论系统功能语言文体学在黄国文的文章“中国的哈里达扬语言学”(2002年)和张德禄的文章中,可以找到许多杰出的中国系统语言学家的名字。麦当劳,方言和黄国文,“中国系统功能语言学的发展”(2005年)。今天,我要特别感谢清华大学的刘世生教授的盛情邀请,以及北京大学的胡庄林教授的感谢。多年的友谊和支持。我还要感谢清华大学的刘南南和方岩教授,他们是第一位为筹备这次会议做出的巨大贡献的人。第二部分,是她为将于2009年在这里举行的第36届国际系统功能大会做准备的第二部分。我今天的演讲包括四个部分:1.用英文诗作插图的系统功能语言描述; 2.以英语文学散文为代表的系统功能语言描述; 3.最近在系统功能文学文体方面的重要读物; 4.我自己最近对系统功能主题和韵母的风格学的一些研究。



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