首页> 外文会议>Structures Sensing and Control >Ceramic phase-shifters for electronically steerable antenna systems

Ceramic phase-shifters for electronically steerable antenna systems


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Abstract: There is considerable interest in the development of microwave ceramic phase shifters because of limitations of currently available ferrite and PIN diode phase shifters regarding cost, reliability, and complexity. Ceramic phase shifters may provide a cost breakthrough for the phase array antenna designer while maintaining low insertion loss, low drive power, and high- power handling capacity. This paper describes a ceramic phase shifter that utilizes a ferroelectric material [(Ba-Sr)TiO$-3$/ series] for obtaining phase shifts from changes in dc biasing fields.aLso, the dielectric properties were measured as a function of dc biasing fields, frequency, and temperature for a few compositions of barium-strontium titanate material !12
机译:摘要:由于目前可用的铁氧体和PIN二极管移相器在成本,可靠性和复杂性方面的局限性,因此对微波陶瓷移相器的开发引起了极大的兴趣。陶瓷移相器可以为相控阵天线设计人员提供成本突破,同时保持低插入损耗,低驱动功率和高功率处理能力。本文介绍了一种陶瓷移相器,该移相器利用铁电材料[(Ba-Sr)TiO $ -3 $ /系列]从直流偏置场的变化中获得相移。此外,介电性能被测量为直流偏置的函数钛酸锶钡材料的一些成分的磁场,频率和温度!12



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