
Improving the Effectiveness of Aerial Pesticide Sprays


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Thirty-eight aircraft setups were submitted in order to have droplet size and drift analyses performed. Four of the eleven insecticides predicted D_(v0.5)s were in the 351-400 μm range. Seven of the herbicide setups had predicted D_(v0.5)s in the 205-250 μm range, while ten D_(v0.5)s were > 351 μm. Five of the ten predicted D_(v0.5)s were between 386 and 413 μm. Twelve different herbicides were reported as having been applied with aircraft setups that had predicted D_(v0.5)s between 386 and 413 μm A summary of the prior swath deposit data indicated that the percent recovery generally increased as the D_(v0.5) increased. The magnitudes of the deposits on inert targets and cotton leaves appeared to be about equal for a given D_(v0.5). The correlation coefficient between the "percent of the spray volume in droplets ≤ 100 μm and ≤ 200 μm in diameter" was 0.983. This result is consistent with prior results and indicates that either 100 or 200 μm can be effectively used as the upper limit when studying the "small droplet" component in sprays We found several similarities or differences in the "small droplet" components based on data from different atomization tests. According to one set of atomization models, agricultural aircraft will be limited to about 225 km/h (i.e., 140 mph) in order to produce a 400 μm D_(v0.5) spray when using currently available nozzles and water plus one or more pesticides. The extremes of the predicted drift deposits for 38 agricultural aircraft setups were over 30-fold apart.
机译:为了进行液滴尺寸和漂移分析,提交了38架飞机设置。预测的D_(v0.5)s的11种杀虫剂中有4种在351-400μm范围内。除草剂设置中有七个预测的D_(v0.5)s在205-250μm范围内,而十个D_(v0.5)s大于351μm。十个预测的D_(v0.5)中的五个介于386和413μm之间。据报道,有十二种不同的除草剂已用于飞机装置,这些飞机装置预测D_(v0.5)在386至413μm之间。先前的条带沉积物数据摘要表明,回收率通常随着D_(v0.5)的增加而增加。增加。对于给定的D_(v0.5),惰性目标和棉叶上的沉积物的大小似乎相等。 “直径≤100μm且直径≤200μm的液滴的喷雾量的百分比”的相关系数为0.983。该结果与先前的结果一致,表明在研究喷雾中的“小液滴”成分时,可以有效地将100或200μm用作上限。我们根据来自以下数据的数据发现了“小液滴”成分的一些相似之处或不同之处不同的雾化测试。根据一组雾化模型,当使用当前可用的喷嘴和水以及一个或多个喷嘴时,为了产生400μmD_(v0.5)喷雾,农用飞机将被限制为约225 km / h(即140 mph)农药。 38架农用飞机的预计漂移沉积物极端值相差30倍以上。



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