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The EnviroHub: An Intranet Tool for Culture Change and Information Management


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Sharing information, as an effective way of conductingrnbusiness, is not a new concept; however, the communicationrntools we use to deliver this information have significantlyrnevolved over the past 10 years. Today, sharing expertrnknowledge can be performed at the click of a mouse. Intranets,rnlocated within a corporation’s firewalls, provide the potentialrnfor an ongoing, free exchange of both confidential andrnnonconfidential information. Yet the simple posting ofrninformation to the intranet often leaves the intendedrnbeneficiaries inefficiently mining for information, which theyrnmay or may not eventually locate.rnThe EnviroHub is an intranet web site designed torndisseminate information to promote cultural change,rnintegration of the Environment (E) into the Quality, Health,rnSafety and Environment (QHSE) management system (MS),rnand beyond-compliance environmental performance.rnDeveloping The EnviroHub involved standard web-designrnactivities, as well as information-management maximizationrnstrategies, an organizational structure for information and datarncreation, identification of new resources and increasedrnuser functionality.rnThe EnviroHub affords easy access to information so thatrnit is readily available for uniform implementation throughout arnglobal organization. Information and data managed within ThernEnviroHub include Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)rnlaws and regulations in more than 100 countries worldwide,rnmultilingual/multinational resources, and tools for compliancernwith a corporation's environmental standards. This paperrnpresents the strategies used for maximizing informationrnmanagement, such as user requirements, web page design andrnmanagement system integration. Finally, it discusses increasedrnfunctionalities, such as secure workrooms, which providernconfidential work areas for designated users, and subscriptionrncapabilities, which allow users to receive automaticrne-mail alerts.
机译:共享信息作为开展业务的有效方式,并不是一个新概念。但是,过去十年来,我们用于传递此信息的交流工具发生了巨大的变化。今天,只需单击鼠标即可共享专家知识。位于企业防火墙内的Intranet提供了持续,自由交换机密和非机密信息的潜力。然而,将信息简单地发布到Intranet往往会使预期的受益人无法有效地挖掘信息,他们可能无法找到或最终找不到信息。EnviroHub是一个Intranet网站,其设计目的是传播信息以促进文化变革,环境(E)融入质量,健康,安全和环境(QHSE)管理系统(MS),以及超出合规的环境绩效。开发EnviroHub涉及标准的Web设计活动,信息管理最大化战略,信息和数据创建的组织结构,新的标识资源和增加的用户功能。EnviroHub可以轻松访问信息,因此在整个arnglobal组织中都可以轻松实现统一的实现。 ThernEnviroHub中管理的信息和数据包括全球100多个国家/地区的健康,安全和环境(HSE)法律和法规,多语言/跨国资源以及符合公司环境标准的工具。本文介绍了用于最大化信息管理的策略,例如用户需求,网页设计和管理系统集成。最后,它讨论了增加的功能,例如安全工作室(为指定用户提供机密工作区)和订阅功能(使用户能够接收自动电子邮件警报)。



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