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Ion-ripple laser as an advanced coherent radiation source


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Abstract: We describe the Ion-Ripple Laser as an advanced schemefor generating coherent radiation. A relativisticelectron beam obligately propagating through an ionripple excites electromagnetic radiation which iscoupled to slow electrostatic waves with peak growthrate at the resonance frequency approximately egaapproximately 2$lambda$+2$/$-O$/k$-w$/c via backwardRaman scattering. This new scheme may provide noveltunable sources of coherent high-power radiation. Byproper choice of device parameters, sources ofmicrowaves, optical, and perhaps even x rays can bemade. By employing fluid theory the dispersion relationfor wave coupling is derived and used to calculate theradiation frequency and linear growth rate. Thenonlinear saturation mechanism is due to trapping ofthe beam electrons by the ponderomotive potential. Foran energetic electron beam, the peak growth rate isapproximately ega$-i$/ $EQ approximately ega$+5/2$/$-pe$/ $epsilon$-i$/ sin $theta@/$lambda$-O$/$+3/4$/(2k$- approximately ega$/c)$+3/2$/ and the efficiencyis $eta $EQ approximately ega$-pe$//(2k$- approximatelyega$/c$lambda$-O$/$+3/2$/). A 1 2/2 D-PIC simulationcode was developed to verify the ideas, scaling laws,and nonlinear mechanism. From the observed powerspectrum, backward Raman scattering is show to beresponsible for the radiation. The growth rates andefficiencies given by the simulation match the ones oftheory for different wiggler wave lengths and beam$lambda@. Both of them show a slow decrease withmomentum spread. Momentum spread also broadens theradiation spectrum.!25
机译:摘要:我们将离子波纹激光器描述为一种产生相干辐射的高级方案。相对论性电子束专门通过离子波纹传播,从而激发电磁辐射,该电磁辐射耦合至缓慢的静电波,其峰值增长率在共振频率处大约为2 $ lambda $ + 2 $ / $-O $ / k $ -w $ / c,并通过向后拉曼散射。这种新方案可以提供相干高功率辐射的新型可调光源。通过适当选择设备参数,可以制作微波,光学甚至X射线源。利用流体理论,推导了波耦合的色散关系,并用于计算辐射频率和线性增长率。非线性饱和机制是由于电子势能俘获电子束。对于高能电子束,峰值增长率大约为ega $ -i $ / $ EQ约ega $ + 5/2 $ / $-pe $ / $ epsilon $ -i $ / sin $ theta @ / $ lambda $ -O $ / $ + 3/4 $ /(2k $-大约ega $ / c)$ + 3/2 $ /,效率为$ eta $ EQ大约ega $ -pe $ //(2k $-大约ega $ / c $ lambda $ -O $ / $ + 3/2 $ /)。开发了一个1 2/2 D-PIC仿真代码来验证思想,缩放定律和非线性机制。从观察到的功率谱来看,向后拉曼散射被证明对辐射负责。模拟给出的增长率和效率与不同的摆动波长和光束λ的理论值相匹配。两者都显示出随着动量扩散缓慢降低。动量扩散还拓宽了辐射谱!25



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