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Myopia of Service Oriented Manufacturing Systems: Benefits of Data Centralization with a Discrete-Event Observer


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Service orientation paradigm is particularly well adapted to distributed manufacturing systems. The difficulty of such systems' production activity control deals with knowledge management. Indeed, the knowledge is distributed among each entity which is able to create, modify or communicate with other entities. An entity cannot have a full up-to-date access to all the system's data. At shop floor level, a convenient way to implement service-oriented manufacturing systems is to rely on the paradigm of Holonic Manufacturing Systems. The chapter introduces the possibility of specializing a resource holon in order to gather data from the whole holarchy and make these data available to any holon for a decision making. This holon is thus playing the role of a discrete-event observer. Upon positioning the service-oriented architectures, the HMS reference architecture PROSA is described, especially in terms of decision making. After decisions were defined, the problem of online decision making in a HMS is described, and an implementing solution for the observer and the forecasting tools in the architecture is exposed. Finally, two applications are presented, based on an industrial job-shop.
机译:服务导向范式特别适合于分布式制造系统。这种系统的生产活动控制的困难在于知识管理。实际上,知识是在能够创建,修改或与其他实体通信的每个实体之间分配的。实体不能完全访问所有系统数据。在车间一级,实现面向服务的制造系统的便捷方法是依靠Holonic Manufacturing Systems的范例。本章介绍了专门化资源holon的可能性,以便从整个阶层收集数据并将这些数据提供给任何holon进行决策。因此,这种傻瓜扮演着离散事件观察者的角色。在定位面向服务的体系结构时,特别是在决策方面描述了HMS参考体系结构PROSA。在定义了决策之后,描述了HMS中的在线决策问题,并公开了针对体系结构中的观察者和预测工具的实现解决方案。最后,根据工业车间介绍了两个应用程序。



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