首页> 外文会议>Second International Conference on Ergonomics and Safety for Global Business Quality and Productivity ERGON-AXIA 2000, May 19-21, 2000, Warsaw, Poland >The Individuals Motivation and Labor Performance: Ergonomics as a Tool to Identify Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors

The Individuals Motivation and Labor Performance: Ergonomics as a Tool to Identify Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors


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The present article discusses factors that interfere over motivation and, from them, on, to show approaches disruption concerning the theme and how ergonomics, as a multidisciplinary discipline, can contribute for a greater integration of the many areas dealing with this matter, direct or indirectly. These factors are focused under two basic perspectives: individual intrinsic and extrinsic. In the first case the factors focussed by the main theories of motivation providing a list of elements of psychic, biological and social order of behavior of e individuals are considered. In the second case presented, the extrinsic factors, and external elements that 'affect' individuals on their behavior and, then, relating them to intrinsic elements are considered. The main reason for this wide discussion it is the possibility of enlarging the knowledge on subjects that affect the individual motivation, considering only isolated aspects. This comes to meet the current accepted ergonomic precepts, since focussing the human being performance over labor activities and, also, over production systems conception compatible with physiological and psychosocial characteristic. Other authors have tried to show the segmented and guided discussion toward a unique area it is worthless on dealing with the matter in an appropriate way. Thus, ergonomics may greatly contribute to identify factors that contribute to individual performance, of extrinsic and intrinsic order as well.



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