
The Control of Local Vibration Modes of a Box Structure using Honeycomb Panel




The findings suggested that the vibrations of local modes are of two types: (1) Centre mode– the centre of top panel can move but the edge is fixed. (2) Edge (web) mode – the centre oftop panel is fixed but the edge (supported by web) can move.The experimental results on vibration characteristics of the cement viaduct model demonstratedthat the predominant centre mode is at 274 Hz and the web mode are at 226 Hz and 260 Hz.The web excitation mode shape data indicate that the boundary condition may not be a simplysupport condition as assumed but is more likely to be a freely support condition. The web facescan have large vertical motion when force is applied at the edge position. In addition, themobility level of web excitation below 520 Hz is higher than that of centre excitation.
机译:研究结果表明,局部模式的振动有两种类型:(1)中心模式–顶部面板的中心可以移动,但边缘是固定的。 (2)边缘(腹板)模式–顶板的中心固定,但边缘(腹板支撑)可以移动。水泥高架桥模型的振动特性实验结果表明,主要的中心模式为274 Hz,腹板模式幅激励模式形状数据表明,边界条件可能不是假设的简单支撑条件,而是更有可能是自由支撑条件,分别为226 Hz和260 Hz。当在边缘位置施加力时,幅材表面扫描具有较大的垂直运动。此外,低于520 Hz的幅材激发的迁移率高于中心激发的迁移率。



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