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PeerVote: A Decentralized Voting Mechanism for P2P Collaboration Systems


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Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems achieve scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing with a low-cost infrastructure, characteristics from which collaboration systems, such as Wikipedia, can benefit. A major challenge in P2P collaboration systems is to maintain article quality after each modification in the presence of malicious peers. A way of achieving this goal is to allow modifications to take effect only if a majority of previous editors approve the changes through voting. The absence of a central authority makes voting a challenge in P2P systems.rnThis paper proposes the fully decentralized voting mechanism Peer-Vote, which enables users to vote on modifications in articles in a P2P collaboration system. Simulations and experiments show the scalability and robustness of PeerVote, even in the presence of malicious peers.
机译:对等(P2P)系统通过低成本的基础结构实现了可伸缩性,容错性和负载平衡,而Wikipedia等协作系统可以从中受益。 P2P协作系统中的主要挑战是在存在恶意对等体的情况下,每次修改后保持文章质量。实现此目标的一种方法是仅在大多数以前的编辑通过表决批准更改的情况下,才能使修改生效。缺乏中央权威使得投票成为P2P系统中的一个挑战。本文提出了一种完全去中心化的投票机制Peer-Vote,它使用户可以对P2P协作系统中文章的修改进行投票。仿真和实验表明,即使存在恶意对等节点,PeerVote的可伸缩性和鲁棒性也是如此。



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