
Carbon budgets of tropical forest ecosystems in Southeast Asia: implications for climate change


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Terrestrial ecosystems have an important role to play in the global carbon (C) cycle. Tropical forests in Southeast Asia are constantly changing as a result of harvesting and conversion to other land covers. In the last few years, research on the C budgets of forest ecosystems as a result of these changes has intensified in the region. Natural forests in SE Asia typically contain a high C density (up to 500 Mg ha~(-1)). Logging activities result in at least a 50 percent decline in C density of the forest. On the other hand, complete deforestation (conversion to grassland and annual crops) leads to C densities of generally less than 40 Mg ha~(-1). Conversion to tree plantations and other woody perennial crops also reduces C density to less than 50 percent of the original C in the forests. Finally, the implications of the above changes in C budgets to climate change and the CDM are discussed.
机译:陆地生态系统在全球碳(C)循环中可发挥重要作用。东南亚的热带森林由于采伐并转换为其他土地覆盖而不断变化。在过去的几年中,由于这些变化,对森林生态系统碳预算的研究在该地区得到了加强。东南亚的天然林通常含有高碳密度(高达500 Mg ha〜(-1))。伐木活动使森林的碳密度至少下降了50%。另一方面,完全的森林砍伐(转为草地和一年生作物)导致碳密度通常低于40 Mg ha〜(-1)。改种人工林和其他多年生木本作物也将碳密度降低到森林中原始碳的50%以下。最后,讨论了上述碳预算变化对气候变化和CDM的影响。



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