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The Dendritic Well: A Simple Process Creates an Ideal Reservoir Drainage System


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Oil and gas wells are constructed with the intention of accessing and recovering hydrocarbons from permeable rock formations. Ideally, we would like to do that as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, we generally try to accomplish this goal by drilling only a few wells and depending on the native rock permeability, or the presence of natural fractures, to convey hydrocarbons to these few wells. This process is inefficient and, ultimately, leaves significant reserves unrecovered. Natural processes often offer valuable insight into the most effective ways to exploit, or distribute, resources. If reservoir engineers could drill wells, they would surely not drill a single, small diameter hole, with the walls of that hole damaged to the point they are initially impermeable. They would more likely construct a network of branches, mimicking the root structure of plants, evolved to efficiently drain nutrients from a soil reservoir. This type of network, for the collection or distribution of materials, is a frequently repeated feature in natural systems and clearly represents a highly efficient method to access resources, of one kind or another. Such a network could maximise the contact between reservoir and wellbore and distribute inflow across an enormous surface area. This is the “Dendritic Well” – until now, an impractical concept but one that may have some future with further refinement of the technique reported here. This paper describes several wells where multiple, relatively short-length laterals were constructed by pumping hydrochloric acid though a specially designed jetting assembly, attached to the bottom of a 1?” coiled tubing unit. This revolutionary method creates a “reservoir engineer’s” hole, using simple equipment at low-cost. A highly stimulated lateral tunnel, branching from the original well with a fractal of smaller branches (wormholes) born out of the lateral hole, mimicking a plant root, is the end product.
机译:修建油气井的目的是从可渗透的岩层中获取和回收碳氢化合物。理想情况下,我们希望尽快而有效地做到这一点。不幸的是,我们通常试图通过仅钻几口井并根据天然岩石的渗透性或天然裂缝的存在来将碳氢化合物输送到这几口井来实现这一目标。该过程效率低下,最终使大量储量无法收回。自然过程通常提供宝贵的见解,以了解最有效的资源开发或分配方法。如果油藏工程师可以钻井,他们肯定不会钻单个小直径的孔,而该孔的壁会损坏到最初不能渗透的程度。他们更有可能构建一个分支网络,模仿植物的根部结构,进化为有效地从土壤储层中排出养分。用于收集或分发材料的这种类型的网络是自然系统中经常重复出现的功能,并且显然代表了一种高效的访问一种或另一种资源的方法。这样的网络可以使储层和井眼之间的接触最大化,并在巨大的表面积上分配流入量。这就是“树突井” –到目前为止,这是一个不切实际的概念,但是随着此处报告的技术的进一步完善,这个概念可能会有一定的发展前景。本文描述了几口井,这些井是通过一个专门设计的喷射装置通过泵送盐酸来构造多个相对较短长度的支管,该喷射装置安装在1?的底部。连续油管单元。这种革命性的方法使用简单的设备以低成本创建了一个“油藏工程师的”孔。最终产品是高度刺激的横向隧道,从原始井分支,并从横向孔中生出一些较小的分支(虫洞),模仿植物的根。



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