首页> 外文会议>The proceedings of the twelfth (2002) international offshore and polar engineering conference (ISOPE-2002) >Engineering Characteristics of Artificial Benthic Reefs at three Sites off Southwestern Coast of Taiwan

Engineering Characteristics of Artificial Benthic Reefs at three Sites off Southwestern Coast of Taiwan


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This investigation, which incorporated the knowledge and practices ofrnmarine geotechnical engineering and marine geoacoustical surveying,rncould be split into two phases, i.e., reef subsidence prediction and reefrnstatus observation. The total amount of subsidence for reefs at Yung-An,rnLin-Yang, and Fang-Liau site was predicted to be about 2m, 2.lm, andrn0.65m. The amount of subsidence deduced from side-scan sonarrnobservations was more or less comparable with the predicted value. Inrnaddition, sicouring is the major factor which induced the burial ofrnartificial reefs. The effect of scouring is closely correlated with grainrnsize distribution of sediment. For a reef site with coarse grained,rncohesionless sediment (i.e., Lin-Yang site), burial of artificial reefs wasrnrecognized. Whereas, limited influence of scouring could be observedrnfor a reef site with fine grained, cohesive sediment (i.e., Fang-Liau site).rnFor a site with composite grain size distribution (i.e., Yung-An site), arnprominent topographic depression of about 1.5m was noticed.
机译:这项调查结合了海洋岩土工程技术和海洋地球声学调查的知识和实践,可以分为两个阶段,即礁石沉降预测和礁石状态观测。预计在永安,rnLin-Yang和Fang-Liau站点的礁石沉陷总量约为2m,2.lm和rn0.65m。从侧面扫描声纳观测得出的沉降量与预测值大致相当。此外,诱杀是导致埋入人工礁的主要因素。冲刷的效果与沉积物的粒度分布密切相关。对于具有粗糙颗粒,无凝聚力的沉积物的礁石场所(即林阳遗址),人工礁石被掩埋了。相对于细粒状粘性沉积物的礁石场地(例如芳柳遗址),冲刷的影响有限。对于复合粒度分布的遗址(例如榕安遗址),地形凸凹约为1.5 m被注意到。



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