
Numerical Modelling of Beam-to-Column Connections in Fire


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In this research, the flush end-plate beam-to-column connections have beenrninvestigated under fire conditions. In order to analyze and understand the behaviourrnof such a connection at ambient and elevated temperatures, a reliable threedimensionalrnfinite element model of end-plate has been created by using ANSYSrnsoftware. The model is capable of simulating the behaviour of typical connectionrnconfigurations in both steel and composite framed structures under fire conditions.rnThis is a complex model accounting for contact interaction between each componentrnof this type of connection. The surface to surface contact elements have been usedrnfor all contact surfaces to transfer the load from the beam to the column. The contactrnarea include bolts shank and hole interface, bolt head and end-plate surface, nuts andrncolumn flange surface. Validation of the proposed connection model has beenrncarried out in comparison with a range of available experimental results.rnImplementation is undertaken within an advanced finite element program that bothrnmaterial and geometric nonlinearities have been considered. In comparison with thernexperimental data, it has shown that the numerical model has a high level ofrnaccuracy.



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