
A Temperature Distribution Model for a Nuclear Waste Prototype Repository


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The disposal of spent nuclear fuel and other nuclear waste is one of the main contentionsrnconcerning the nuclear power industry. The design and construction of therndeep geological spent nuclear fuel repository is very sophisticated process, which includesrnmany types of particular analyses. One of the important partial studies of arnnuclear waste repository can be called thermal dimensioning, a basic simulation ofrnthermal conditions depending on the structure and size of the repository. The importantrnparameters for repository layout are thermal properties of the host rock and barrier,rnheat generated by a nuclear waste, number of disposal boreholes and their spacing.rnThe design of repository is determined by thermal criteria, which place limits onrnthe maximum temperature that can allowed in the barrier surrounding the boreholes.rnIn this paper the finite element model is used to show the influence of heat transportrnproperties of the rock and barrier, spacing of boreholes on the maximum temperaturernachieved in the repository. The setting up and application of the proper model is therncrucial factor for the results validity. The model represents an structure of tunnels andrnboreholes with canisters disposing in the different time. The segment of the modelrnconsists of many segments, which include one quarter of borehole and neighbouringrncrystalline rock. This model is more accurate than the infinite model of the repository,rnwhere assumption is, that all canisters are disposed in the same time.



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