首页> 外文会议>2018年第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集 >Surface Activated Bond properties of Distributed Face Cooling structure for high average power applications

Surface Activated Bond properties of Distributed Face Cooling structure for high average power applications




High-brightness passively Q-switched micro-lasers with sub-ns duration could be used for applications such aslaser ignition or terahertz generation and can provide several mJ pulses to the user. To scale-up the output fromsuch laser, additional Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) system is necessary. This will increase both thesize and price of the setup. Additionally, if the repetition rate to be increased, heat generation inside the activemedia will cause severe thermal lens and birefringence loss. To avoid these severe effects, another approach forlaser cavity design is required. Recently, it became possible to make a periodic structure consisting of transparentheatsink and active laser media. Materials like Sapphire or Diamond could be contacted to Nd3+:YAG crystal in aconsecutive pattern for removing heat generation. Combination of several units of these crystal pairs will produceso called Distributed Face Cooling (DFC) chip. Optimization of this design can help to withstand high averagepowers with the change of several parameters such as thickness of both gain and heatsink material, pump laserwavelength, doping of gain crystal, etc.
机译:亚秒级持续时间的高亮度被动调Q微激光器可用于诸如 激光点火或太赫兹产生,并可以向用户提供几个mJ脉冲。扩大来自的输出 对于此类激光器,需要附加的主振荡器功率放大器(MOPA)系统。这将增加 安装的大小和价格。此外,如果要提高重复频率,则有源元件内部会产生热量 介质将导致严重的热透镜和双折射损失。为避免这些严重影响,另一种方法是 需要激光腔设计。近来,使由透明组成的周期性结构成为可能。 散热器和有源激光介质。可以将蓝宝石或钻石等材料与Nd3 +:YAG晶体接触 用于消除热量的连续模式。这些晶体对的几个单元的组合将产生 所谓的分布式面部冷却(DFC)芯片。优化设计可以帮助承受较高的平均水平 功率随几个参数的变化而变化,例如增益和散热材料的厚度,泵浦激光器 波长,增益晶体的掺杂等



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