首页> 外文会议>第18回機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 >触覚応答遅れ時間によるリール卷き心地の推定と振動検出閾曲線の導出



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In our previous paper, a method utilizing the addition of grooves on the tooth flank of the face gear was proposed to improve the gear vibration. The paper suggested a phenomenon wherein the sensation of a fishing reel improves when the number of grooves is specified; however, the paper did not explain the reason for tnis. In this report, the authors elucidate the reason by introducing the concept of the "tactile-response delay time". There are four types of receptors under the skin of a fingertip. Because the receptors are regarded as biosensors, there must be a transient response in relation to signal input/output. This paper applies the thinking approach of the transient response to the feel of a fishing reel, and defines the "tactile-response delay time". First, the reason for the previous experimental phenomenon is explained using the tactile-response delay time. Second, the validity of the theory is evaluated by the previous experimental results using a developed vibrator. Finally, a vibration detection threshold curve is derived from this theory, and it is compared with the curve obtained from the previous experimental results.%魚釣り用スピニングリールには,フェースギヤ対が使用されており,このギヤ対を起点として発生する振動はハンドルを介して人の指先に伝わる.このギヤ振動の低減,すなわちリール巻き心地の向上を目的に,フェースギヤ歯面に複数の溝を付加する手法が提案された.この研究では,ある特定の溝本数の時にリール卷き心地が良好になる現象を示したが,この理由については述べていない.



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