首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the SIGCHI/GI conference on Human factors in computing systems and graphics interface >On the parameters of human visual performance: an investigation of the benefits of antialiasing

On the parameters of human visual performance: an investigation of the benefits of antialiasing


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A two-part experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of aliasing artifacts and screen resolution on a simple visual recognition task. The results indicate that in many cases far less realism may be necessary in synthetic computer-generated imagery than is often assumed in the literature. The first part of the experiment comprised a subjective rating of image quality, the second part measured task effectiveness of image quality. In the second part subjects were asked to discriminate between images of two types of objects built from cubes, similar to objects used in experiments involving mental rotation.


At higher resolutions the elimination of aliasing artifacts did not significantly improve subjects' performance. At intermediate and low resolutions, comparable to what might be used for iconic menus, the reduction in aliasing artifacts resulted in improved performance. The subjective ratings indicate that for both high and low resolution the elimination of aliasing artifacts doesnot improve "quality," whereas images rendered at intermediate resolutions are significantly degraded by aliasing artifacts to the extent that antialiasing improves the subjective rating.


An interpretation of these results is given in the context of an ongoing research program aimed at identifying the parameters of real-time human performance for graphics workstations.


进行了一个分为两部分的实验,以研究混叠伪影和屏幕分辨率对简单视觉识别任务的影响。结果表明,在许多情况下,合成计算机生成的图像所需要的真实性要比文献中通常所假设的要少得多。实验的第一部分包括对图像质量的主观评价,第二部分测量了图像质量的任务有效性。在第二部分中,要求受试者区分由多维数据集构建的两种类型的对象的图像,类似于涉及精神旋转的实验中使用的对象。 rn

在较高的分辨率下,消除混叠伪影并没有明显改善受试者的表现。在中等分辨率和低分辨率下(可与图标菜单所用的分辨率相比),混叠伪像的减少可提高性能。主观评定表明,对于高分辨率和低分辨率,消除混叠伪影都不会改善“质量”,而在中等分辨率下呈现的图像会因混叠伪影而明显劣化,以至于抗混叠改善了主观评定。 rn < P>对这些结果的解释是在正在进行的旨在识别图形工作站实时人类性能参数的研究计划的背景下进行的。



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