首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the second international symposium on the family magnoliaceae >Propagation of Rare and Endangered Plant Magnolia odoratissima

Propagation of Rare and Endangered Plant Magnolia odoratissima


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Magnolia odoratissima Law et R. Z. Zhou is an endemic species under State Protection Category II of China for its narrow distribution area, small population amount and size, few fruit and seeds and great difficulties in seed germination and propagation. This paper summarized the technological outline of sowing propagation, cutting propagation and layering propagation of M. odoratissima as follows: 1. The germination rate was greatly improved when seeds were stored with wet sands after disinfection; 2. The growth of young seedlings was evidently improved when their roots were soaked with 100 mg/L of ABT3 rooting powder before transplanting; 3. The seedlings grew strongly and trimly and had a bulky root system when they were cultured with the substrate consisting of 65% humus soil, 30% farmyard manure and 5% calciummagnesium phosphate; 4. When the young shoots are in semi-lignification in August, the l-2a branches can be chosen as cuttings and the rooting rate can reach more than 70% if the cuttings are dipped with 100 mg/L or 50 mg/L of ABT1 rooting powder; 5. Different concentration solution with ABT1 and GGR6 rooting powder both can evidently improve the rooting rate of layering propagation of M. odoratissima. There is little difference between the effects of above two kinds of rooting powder and their concentration should be less than 500 mg/L.
机译:厚朴木兰属中国特有种,由于其分布区域狭窄,种群数量和大小小,水果和种子少,种子发芽和繁殖困难大,是中国国家保护第二类特有物种。本文总结了香芒草的播种繁殖,cutting插繁殖和分层繁殖的技术概况如下:1.消毒后用湿沙贮藏种子,发芽率大大提高; 2。 2,移栽前用100mg / L的ABT3生根粉浸种,幼苗的根系明显改善。 3.用65%腐殖土,30%农家肥和5%磷酸钙镁组成的底物进行培植时,幼苗生长旺盛,整齐,根系庞大。 4.当幼枝在八月进行半木质化时,如果将插枝浸入100 mg / L或50 mg / L的插穗中,则可以选择l-2a枝作为插枝,生根率可以达到70%以上。 ABT1生根粉; 5,不同浓度的ABT1和GGR6生根粉溶液均能明显提高香樟分层繁殖的生根率。以上两种生根粉的效果差异不大,其浓度应小于500 mg / L。



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