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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Illicit Trafficking DatabaseProgramme


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The International Atomic Energy Agency Illicit Trafficking Database (ITDB) Programme wasrnestablished in 1995 as a joint initiative by the Department of Safeguards and Department ofrnNuclear Safety and Security. The Database provides an authoritative system for recording andrnanalysing incidents involving the unauthorized acquisition, provision, possession, use,rntransfer or disposal of nuclear material, other radioactive material and radioactivelyrncontaminated material, whether intentional or unintentional, including discoveries ofrnuncontrolled material. The ITDB was designed to (1) provide States with authoritativerninformation to assist in their response to incidents and formulation of national policy on illicitrntrafficking; (2) allow the IAEA to maintain and analyse information on relevant incidents withrna view to identifying common threats and trends, and to use this information for internalrnplanning and prioritisation of the Agency’s Safeguards and security-related activities; and (3)rnprovide a reliable source of basic information on trafficking incidents to the media.rnThe ITDB is unique. The information contained in the database related to incidents, whichrnhave been confirmed by the States involved, concerning nuclear and other radioactivernmaterials, supplemented by information collected from open sources. There are currently 81rnState members to the ITDB programme; however, even non-participating States havernprovided information regarding some events. States have an opportunity to confirm or denyrnincidents originating from open sources, and may specify restrictions on dissemination of thisrninformation.rnAs of December 2004, the ITDB has recorded over 660 incidents involving nuclear and otherrnradioactive materials. While database statistics show the number of confirmed incidentsrninvolving nuclear materials has decreased since 1993-1994 and subsequently stabilized at arnlower level, the number of confirmed cases involving radioactive sources has been on thernincrease since 1998.
机译:国际原子能机构非法贩运数据库(ITDB)计划是由保障部和核安全与安保部于1995年共同发起建立的。该数据库提供了一个权威的系统,用于记录和分析涉及未经授权获取,提供,拥有,使用,转移或处置核材料,其他放射性物质和放射性污染物质的事件,包括故意或非故意的发现,包括发现失控物质。打击非法贩卖数据库旨在(1)向各国提供权威信息,以协助其对事件做出反应并制定有关非法贩运的国家政策; (2)允许原子能机构维护和分析有关事件的信息,以期查明常见的威胁和趋势,并将这些信息用于对原子能机构“保障”及与安全有关的活动进行内部规划和优先排序; (3)为媒体向媒体提供有关贩运事件的可靠基础信息。有关事件数据库已包含有关事件的信息,有关国家已核实了有关核材料和其他放射性物质的信息,并补充了从公开来源收集的信息。目前有81个国家的成员参加了ITDB计划;但是,甚至没有参加的国家也没有提供有关某些事件的信息。各国有机会确认或否认源自公开来源的事故,并可以规定对这种信息的传播限制。截至2004年12月,ITDB已记录了660多次涉及核材料和其他放射性物质的事件。虽然数据库统计数字表明,自1993年至1994年以来,核材料事件的确认事件数量有所减少,随后稳定在较低水平,但自1998年以来,涉及放射源的确诊事件的数量一直在增加。



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