首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the eleventh Americas conference on information systems (AMCIS 2005) >An Agent-Enabled Systemfor Personalizing Wireless Mobile Services

An Agent-Enabled Systemfor Personalizing Wireless Mobile Services


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Handheld wireless devices such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) have limited memory, storage, andrnprocessing power. In addition, small screens and limited input facilities make entering information tedious. It is thereforernimportant that wireless mobile applications optimize resource usage and minimize input effort imposed on the user. One wayrnis to download to the client only the information most relevant to the user, then present that information effectively, takingrninto account the user's preferences and history as well as the task at hand. This personalization approach minimizes therninformation to be displayed. In this paper, we present a mobile agent-based system for personalizing mobile services; we usernmobile agents simply because such autonomous software entities have characteristics that can benefit mobile devices and thernwireless environment. We introduce the tiered architecture of the proposed system and the functions of the differentrncomponents; then we discuss how we use the Composite/Capabilities Preferences/Profile (CC/PP) in personalizing wirelessrnmobile services. A proof of concept implementation has been developed using Java technologies.
机译:诸如蜂窝电话和个人数字助理(PDA)之类的手持无线设备具有有限的内存,存储和处理能力。此外,小屏幕和有限的输入设备使输入信息变得乏味。因此,重要的是无线移动应用程序优化资源使用并最小化施加给用户的输入努力。一种方式,仅将与用户最相关的信息下载到客户端,然后考虑到用户的偏好和历史以及手头的任务,有效地呈现该信息。这种个性化方法可以最大程度地减少要显示的信息。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于移动代理的系统,用于个性化移动服务。我们之所以使用移动代理,仅仅是因为此类自治软件实体具有可以使移动设备和无线环境受益的特征。我们介绍了所提出系统的分层体系结构以及不同组件的功能。然后我们讨论如何使用组合/功能首选项/配置文件(CC / PP)个性化无线移动服务。已经使用Java技术开发了概念验证实现。



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