首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Communications architectures amp; protocols >Performance analysis of FDDI token ring networks: effect of parameters and guidelines for setting TTRT

Performance analysis of FDDI token ring networks: effect of parameters and guidelines for setting TTRT


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Fiber-Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a 100-Mbps Local Area Network (LAN) standard being developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It uses a timed-token access method and allows up to 500 stations to be connected with a total fiber length of 200 km.


We analyze the performance of FDDI using a simple analytical model and a simulation model. The performance metrics of response time, efficiency, and maximum access delay are considered. The efficiency is defined as the ratio of maximum obtainable throughput to the nominal bandwidth of the network. The access delay is defined as the time it takes to receive a usable token.


The performance of FDDI depends upon several workload parameters; for example; the arrival pattern, frame size, and configuration parameters, such as the number of stations on the ring, extent of the ring, and number of stations that are waiting to transmit. In addition, the performance is affected by a parameter called the Target Token Rotation Time (TTRT), which can be controlled by the network manager. We considered the effect of TTRT on various performance metrics for different ring configurations, and concluded that a TTRT value of 8 ms provides a good performance over a wide range of configurations and workloads.


光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI)是由美国国家标准协会(ANSI)开发的100 Mbps局域网(LAN)标准。它使用定时令牌访问方法,最多可以连接200个光纤长度的500个站点。 rn

我们使用简单的分析模型和仿真模型来分析FDDI的性能。考虑了响应时间,效率和最大访问延迟的性能指标。效率定义为最大可获得吞吐量与网络标称带宽的比率。访问延迟定义为接收可用令牌所花费的时间。 rn

FDDI的性能取决于多个工作负载参数;具体取决于工作量。例如;到达模式,帧大小和配置参数,例如环上的站数,环的范围以及等待发送的站数。此外,性能还受称为目标令牌轮换时间(TTRT)的参数的影响,该参数可由网络管理器控制。我们考虑了TTRT对不同环型配置的各种性能指标的影响,并得出结论,TTRT值为8 ms可以在各种配置和工作负载下提供良好的性能。



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