
Conceptual Design and Testing Strategy of China Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module in ITER and EAST


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A Dual Functional Lithium Lead (DFLL) TBM (Test Blanket Module) concept for testing in ITER has been proposed by Chinese Party to demonstrate the technologies of the liquid lithium lead (LiPb) breeder blankets, including Quasi-Static Lithium Lead (SLL) breeder blanket and the Dual-cooled Lithium Lead (DLL) breeder blanket, which emphasizes the balance and the consistence between the risk and the attractiveness of blanket technology development. Considering the confliction between the limited ITER resources for TBM testing and the requirement of various blanket concepts proposed by Parties, an effective testing strategy has been proposed to achieve the target of testing both SLL and DLL blanket concepts, technologies, and design tools. It covers three phases: materials R & D and small-scale out-of-pile mockup testing in loops, middle-scale TBMs pre-testing in EAST (the superconducting tokamak in China), and full-scale consecutive TBMs corresponding to different operation phases of ITER during the first 10 years. Description of TBM system concept and the testing strategy combining TBMs testing, in sequence and in parallel, in EAST and ITER, are presented in this contribution.



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