首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 77th ASISamp;T annual meeting, Connecting collections, cultures, and communities >Growth and Trends in Digital Curation Research: The Case of the International Journal of Digital Curation

Growth and Trends in Digital Curation Research: The Case of the International Journal of Digital Curation


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The growth of digital curation as a field of research hasrnexploded in recent years. However, little work has beenrndirected at the study of changes in the field, and no effortrnhas been made to identify predominant trends and gaps inrnthe research literature. This study examines thernInternational Journal of Digital Curation (IJDC) over anrneight-year period from its inception in 2006 to 2013. A totalrnof 219 papers published in the IJDC was examined in termsrnof paper productivity, keywords in abstracts, authorship,rncitations received, and funding received. The preliminaryrnresults of this study found a steady upward trend in paperrnproductivity. An overwhelming number of papers wererncoauthored papers from the United Kingdom and UnitedrnStates. The majority of the papers were cited more thanrnonce. Half the papers were supported by grants from federalrngovernment agencies.



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