首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 5th ACM international conference on distributed event-based systems. >Space-efficient Tracking of Persistent Items in a Massive Data Stream

Space-efficient Tracking of Persistent Items in a Massive Data Stream


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Motivated by scenarios in network anomaly detection, we consider the problem of detecting persistent items in a data stream, which are items that occur "regularly" in the stream. In contrast with heavy-hitters, persistent items do not necessarily contribute significantly to the volume of a stream, and may escape detection by traditional volume-based anomaly detectors. We first show that any online algorithm that tracks persistent items exactly must necessarily use a large workspace, and is infeasible to run on a traffic monitoring node. In light of this lower bound, we introduce an approximate formulation of the problem and present a small-space algorithm to approximately track persistent items over a large data stream. Our experiments on a real traffic dataset shows that in typical cases, the algorithm achieves a physical space compression of 5x-7x, while incurring very few false positives (< 1%) and false negatives (< 4%). To our knowledge, this is the first systematic study of the problem of detecting persistent items in a data stream, and our work can help detect anomalies that are temporal, rather than volume based.



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