首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Quality of service amp; security for wireless and mobile networks >Subjective evaluation of packet service performance in UMTS and heterogeneous networks

Subjective evaluation of packet service performance in UMTS and heterogeneous networks


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Quality of Service in mobile telecommunication systems is usually identified by some basic performance metrics such as delay, throughput and jitter. However, the main impact of service quality is on the end user, and as such a detailed study of service performance should involve the end user. In this paper, such an approach is taken where subjective performance evaluation is undertaken for web browsing and video streaming services in Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) and a heterogeneous network comprised of UMTS and Wireless LAN (WLAN)Using a real-time network emulation testbed, users rated the perceived quality of the services under different network conditions. The users' ratings are analyzed and the results showed clear trends with very few outliers. The objective and subjective measures also were found to be in line except for one case where a higher layer effect influenced the users' perception.



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