
Robotic prosthetic challenges for clinical applications


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This paper presents the challenges currently being encountered for the accelerated application of robotic prosthetics in clinical applications. The main goal is to evaluate technological challenges and methods that have been utilized to foster development of the intelligent artificial robotic prosthetics. Success that have been achieved during in vitro researches were evaluated based on clinical application and ultimately commercialization of the designs. Emphasis is on cost of researches, designs, commercialization and accessibility to the general populace. Although the use of robotic prosthetic limbs has been largely accepted by the scientific world, the amputees have been encountering several disadvantages such as weight increase, intricate and frequent maintenance and noisy actuation coupled with unreliable control system as a result of poor signal acquisition and processing. Novel techniques proposed such as pattern recognition for feature extraction and machine learning for robustness, adaptability and stability were either based on simulations in softwares such as Autodesk, OpenSim or Matlab resulting in limited prototypes and hardware developments thereby reducing the clinical applicability of the technologies. Even up to this period of time permanent assistive devices are viewed by the physically challenged as separate, lifeless mechanisms and not intimate extension of the human body structurally, neurologically and dynamically.



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