首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of 2010 international symposium - sports science and engineering. >Research on the Distribution Characteristics of Plantar Pressure of Cha-Cha-Cha

Research on the Distribution Characteristics of Plantar Pressure of Cha-Cha-Cha


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This paper makes measurement and analysis on force distribution of foot for several outstanding cha cha cha dancers by using the Footscan insole 2.39 system, discusses the distribution characteristics of plantar pressure in four aspects about the F average, F max,% Peak and% Contact. The result shows that the forepaws are under high pressure when doing cha cha cha dance, especially the big toe and the first metatarsales area, and the heel parts are under small force. In the fifth step, male athletes reach maximum pressure in right foot inside metatarsal, the left one reach a maximum when the focus back in the second step. Female athletes reach maximum pressure in booth feet in the first step. In cha cha cha square step, the forepaws hardly leave the ground, especially the foot inside.
机译:本文利用Footscan鞋垫2.39系统对几种优秀的cha cha cha舞者的脚力分布进行了测量和分析,从F平均值,F max,峰峰值和%接触四个方面探讨了足底压力的分布特征。结果表明,在进行恰恰恰恰舞时,前爪处于高压状态,尤其是大脚趾和第一meta骨区,脚后跟部分受力较小。在第五步中,男性运动员在meta骨内侧的右脚达到最大压力,在第二步中,当焦点向后移时,左脚达到最大压力。第一步,女运动员要达到最大压力。在前叉脚步中,前爪几乎不会离开地面,尤其是脚内侧。



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