首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 16th international symposium on advancement of construction management and real estate >An Investigation Analysis of Real Estate Rent Market in Tianhe District of Guangzhou

An Investigation Analysis of Real Estate Rent Market in Tianhe District of Guangzhou


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A real estate market includes two main parts, sale market and rent market. Research is emphasized on the former part and the later are becoming more and more important in China. This paper collects more than 100000 items statistical data of rent market during 2008~2010 in Tianhe district of Guangzhou. The residential housing occupied the largest area proportion with 46% and industrial got the smallest in the rent market The rent price varied from RMB 5/m2 to 144 RMB 5/m2 per month. The variance coefficient is about 1 in the 20 street areas. By hedonic analysis, it is found the main four factors influencing price are transportation condition, necessary living convenience, population density and distance to CBD. The investigated problems are irrational tax rate and informal rental contract Some suggestions are proposed to strengthen management of the rent market for the government
机译:房地产市场包括两个主要部分,销售市场和租金市场。前一部分强调研究,而后一部分在中国变得越来越重要。本文收集了广州市天河区2008〜2010年租金市场的10万条统计数据。在租金市场上,住宅占比最大,为46%,工业面积最小。租金价格从每月5元/平方米到144元5 /平方米不等。在20个街道区域中,方差系数约为1。通过享乐主义分析,发现影响价格的主要四个因素是交通条件,必要的生活便利性,人口密度和到中央商务区的距离。调查的问题是不合理的税率和非正式的租赁合同。为加强政府对租金市场的管理提出了一些建议。



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