
Investigation of Visual Perception under Dynamic Color Rendering Modulation for Augmented Energy Savings


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Digitally controlled lighting systems equipped with colored LEDs can produce a range of different qualities of light, adjustable to users' requirements. In this context, we explore a novel lighting control concept which involves a strategic control of RYGB LEDs forming white light, employed to increase energy efficiency. This paper reports and discusses the results of an ongoing research project applying the principles of color rendering modulation for energy savings, which encompasses two main domains: (a) a tunable LED light source with accompanying control software; and (b) human factors studies concerning how surfaces and spaces are perceived under a light source with changing color rendering. Results so far have supported the two fundamental hypotheses: (a) when fully developed, color rendering modulation could potentially enable power reductions of at least 25%; (b) the majority of subjects did not detect the color changes.
机译:配备有彩色LED的数字控制照明系统可以产生各种不同质量的光,可根据用户要求进行调整。在这种情况下,我们探索了一种新颖的照明控制概念,其中涉及对形成白光的RYGB LED进行战略控制,以提高能源效率。本文报告并讨论了一个正在进行的研究项目的成果,该研究项目应用了色彩调制调制原理以节省能源,其中包括两个主要领域:(a)具有随附控制软件的可调LED光源; (b)人为因素研究,涉及如何在色彩呈现变化的光源下感知表面和空间。迄今为止的结果支持了两个基本假设:(a)充分开发后,显色调制可以使功耗至少降低25%; (b)大多数受试者没有检测到颜色变化。



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