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Towards discovery of information granules


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The amount of electronic data available is growing very fast and this explosive growth in databases has generated a need for new techniques and tools that can intelligently and automatically extract implicit,previously unknown,hidden and potentially useful informatin and knowledge from these data.Such tools and techniques are the subject of the field of Knowledge Discovery in Databases.Information granulationis a very natural concept,and appears (under different names) in many methods related to e.. data compression,divide and conquer,interval computatios,neighborhood ssytems,and rough sets among others.In this paper we discuss information granulation in knowledge discovery.The notions related to information granules are their syntax and semantics as well as the inclusion and closeness (similarity) of granules.We discuss some problems of KDD assuming knowledge is represented in the form of information granules.In particular we use information granules to deal with the problem of stable (robust) patterns extraction.
机译:电子数据的数量正在快速增长,数据库的爆炸性增长催生了对新技术和工具的需求,这些技术和工具可以从这些数据中自动智能地提取隐式,以前未知,隐藏和潜在有用的信息和知识。技术是数据库知识发现领域的主题。信息粒化是一个非常自然的概念,它以多种方式出现(以不同的名称出现),这些方法与数据压缩,分割和征服,区间计算,邻域系统和粗糙相关本文讨论了知识发现中的信息粒度。与信息颗粒有关的概念是它们的语法和语义,以及颗粒的包含和相似性(相似性)。我们讨论了假设知识表示的KDD的一些问题。信息颗粒的形式。特别是我们使用信息颗粒来解决稳定性问题。 (稳健)模式提取。



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