
Cold atom micro primary standard (CAMPS)


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We present progress towards a primary frequency standard with substantial reduction in size, weight, and power over the state of the art. Our clock is based on the microwave hyperfine transition in rubidium 87. Unique to this effort, our focus is on special design considerations and engineering trades to realize a primary frequency standard in an ultimate 5 cc form factor, with 50 mW power consumption, and which is compatible with a robust, high-volume manufacturing process. In our approach, atoms are laser cooled from a background vapor into a magneto-optical trap. The magnetic and optical trapping forces are extinguished, allowing the atoms to freely expand, and Ramsey spectroscopy is performed to measure the clock transition between the F = 1 and F = 2 hyperfine states. Key to size reduction is the use of laser cooled atoms to achieve narrow line widths in a small size, and the ability to perform all the clock functions (sample preparation, spectroscopy, and read-out) in one physical location. Using a miniaturized physics package, signal-to-noise ratios greater than 100 and clock line quality factors greater than 1E+8 have been achieved. We also discuss limiting factors and prospects for improvement.
机译:我们目前正在朝着主要频率标准的方向发展,与现有技术相比,其尺寸,重量和功率都大大降低了。我们的时钟基于rub 87的微波超精细转变。为此,我们的工作重点是特殊的设计考虑和工程设计,以最终的5 cc规格实现主频率标准,功耗为50 mW,并且与强大的大批量生产过程兼容。在我们的方法中,原子从背景蒸气被激光冷却到磁光阱中。磁性和光学俘获力消失,使原子自由膨胀,执行拉姆西光谱法测量F = 1和F = 2超精细状态之间的时钟跃迁。减小尺寸的关键是使用激光冷却的原子以小尺寸实现窄的线宽,以及在一个物理位置执行所有时钟功能(样品制备,光谱学和读出)的能力。使用小型物理封装,已经实现了大于100的信噪比和大于1E + 8的时钟线品质因数。我们还将讨论限制因素和改进的前景。



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