首页> 外文会议>Polarization science and remote sensing VI >Photoelastic modulator non-idealities in magneto-optical polarization measurements

Photoelastic modulator non-idealities in magneto-optical polarization measurements


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Modifying and detecting the polarization of light is increasingly important in many contexts such as Faraday isolators and electro-optical modulators. In order to control the polarization of light, it is necessary to know the polarization characteristics of the materials used in the applications. To be able to (magneto-)optically characterize novel materials, we designed a setup using a single photoelastic modulator (PEM) to simultaneously detect natural and magnetic circular dichroism and circular birefringence over a large spectral range. We then theoretically analyzed and experimentally characterized the effect of non-idealities in the PEM on the setup and the resulting data. Our results demonstrate an influence of PEM non-idealities on the measured signals, resulting in non-negligible mixing of circular birefringence and circular dichroism signals. Our measurements of the wavelength dependence of these non-idealities reveal larger non-idealities towards shorter wavelengths. These results illustrate the necessity to take PEM non-idealities into account when working with PEMs, especially at shorter wavelengths or when dealing with signals spanning different orders of magnitude. PEM non-idealities, while frequently neglected in experimental setup design and theoretical derivations, are expected to be more complicated and possibly exert a larger influence on obtained results for experimental setups with multiple PEMs.



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