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Effect of Pressure-Dependent Permeability inTight Gas Reservoirs,Transient Radial Flow




It may be common for tight gas reservoirs (k <0. 1 md). Tohave pressure-dependent permeability. But it is not commonto have this data available when analyzing well test orperformance data. Consequently, engineers may not be awareof pressure-dependent permeability or may ignore thiscomplication because the data are not available. This projectattempts to evaluate the error made in ignoring pressure-dependent permeability when, in fact, it should be included inanalysis.If pressure-dependent permeability data are available, itcan be integrated into a modified real gas pseudo pressure, m(p), which would be expected to 'linearize ' the differentialequation and provide correct values for permeability and skinfactor. But if the customary real gas pseudo pressure, m(p)isused, then erroneous values for permeability and skin factorwill be calculated.This work was done by simulating pressure-dependentpermeability using an exponential form for permeability vs. Pressure drop. This is a convenient permeability model whichjust requires one parameter, γ.
机译:对于致密气藏(k <0。1 md),这可能很常见。具有与压力有关的渗透性。但是,在分析试井或性能数据时通常不提供此数据。因此,工程师可能没有意识到压力相关的渗透性,或者可能因为数据不可用而忽略了这种复杂性。该项目试图评估在忽略压力相关渗透率时产生的误差,而实际上应将其包括在分析中。如果可获得压力相关渗透率数据,则可以将其整合到修改后的实际天然气假压力m(p)中,可以期望“线性化”微分方程,并为磁导率和集肤系数提供正确的值。但是,如果使用惯常的实际气体伪压力m(p),则会计算出渗透率和集肤系数的错误值,这项工作是通过使用渗透率与压降的指数形式模拟压力相关的渗透率来完成的。这是一种方便的渗透率模型,仅需要一个参数γ。



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