首页> 外文会议>Papers 4th International Symposium on Underground Freight Transport by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Technologies >Exploration of Practical Issues Concerning the Use of Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline for Underground Freight Transport in Urban Areas

Exploration of Practical Issues Concerning the Use of Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline for Underground Freight Transport in Urban Areas


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In Japan, the long-distance transportation of the produces from farms, the marine products from fish ports and the industrial products from factories are efficiently achieved by the combination of railroads, highways, airways and/or seaways. Also, an innovative parcel home-delivery services that have been initiated by a small transportation company are rapidly spreading through all over Japan with the collaboration of street-side convenience stores. These modal shifts from the government-operated inefficient postal services dramatically improve the convenience, punctuality and cost for all citizens. However, road congestions in urban areas like metropolitan Tokyo are reaching an intolerable level, and some concrete measures are required to alleviate the problem. To solve this problem, an alternative and innovative transportation technology --Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline-- has been proposed and evaluated for use in many European and USA cities. Last year, Dr. Henry Liu, President of Freight Pipeline Co., and the former Director of Capsule Pipeline Research Center, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, completed a study showing the cost-effective potential use of PCPs in New York City.[1] Also, Dr. Sanai Kosugi of Sumitomo Metal Ind., Tokyo, a pioneer in using PCPs for transporting limestone, construction materials and solid wastes in Japan, was considering potential use of PCP in Tokyo.(Unfortunately, before completing his work, he deceased last October due to cancer.) Two of the most important factors in PCP in urban areas are the pipeline route selection, and the construction time and the cost-effectiveness of pipeline installation. These are closely related upon with many modern construction technologies, such as the trenchless technology. This paper discussed and proposed the cost and technical optimizations of PCPs by utilizing the underground or aboveground space of the public domain such as ultra-deep underground, railroads, elevated toll roads, river banks and waterways. This paper also reviews two unique ultra-long distance trenchless methods most suitable for PCP in urban areas, which have been recently developed by a Japanese construction company.
机译:在日本,通过铁路,公路,航空和/或航道的结合,可以有效地实现农场农产品,鱼类港口水产品和工厂工业产品的长途运输。另外,由小型运输公司发起的创新包裹送货上门服务在街边便利店的合作下迅速遍及整个日本。政府运营效率低下的邮政服务的这些模式转变极大地改善了所有公民的便利性,守时性和成本。但是,东京都等城市地区的道路拥堵程度已达到无法忍受的程度,需要采取一些具体措施来缓解这一问题。为了解决这个问题,已经提出了一种替代性的创新运输技术-气动胶囊管道-并已在许多欧洲和美国城市中进行了评估。去年,美国货运管道公司总裁亨利·刘博士和美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校胶囊管道研究中心的前主任完成了一项研究,该研究表明了在纽约市使用五氯苯酚的潜在成本效益。 [1]另外,东京住友金属工业株式会社的Sanai Kosugi博士是日本使用PCP来运输石灰石,建筑材料和固体废物的先驱,他正考虑在东京潜在使用PCP。(不幸的是,在完成他的工作之前(由于癌症,他于去年10月去世)。城市PCP中最重要的两个因素是管道的选择,施工时间和管道安装的成本效益。这些与许多现代建筑技术(例如无沟槽技术)密切相关。本文讨论并提出了利用公共领域的地下或地上空间(例如超深地下,铁路,高架收费公路,河岸和水路)对PCP进行成本和技术优化的建议。本文还回顾了两种最适合城市地区PCP的独特超长距离非开挖方法,这是日本一家建筑公司最近开发的。



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