
Computationally Efficient F ractureAnalysis of Electronic Pack ages through Decomposition


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In the present paper we describe and demonstirte a computationally efficient, technique for analyzing fr acture mechanics pr oblems in mixed linear - nonline ar systems. The te chnique combines the metho dologyof Rybicki and Kanninen for calculation of the energy release rate in fracture processes with a de comp osition based analysis pr ocedurecently proposed by Subb arayan and c o-workers.The methodology will enable quick design desicions during the package developmental stages without significant loss of ac curacy. The develop d procedure is demonstrated on a hyp othetical 5x5 array package It is shown that on this representative package nearly 30% time savings (or a 150 % speedup) can be acheived in estimating the energy release rate at an accuracy loss of only 6.2%. Prior research has shown that the analysis time is nearly indep endent of p ackage size, indic ating unb ounddspeed-ups for lar ger package sizes.
机译:在本文中,我们描述并演示了一种计算有效的技术,用于分析混合线性-非线性ar系统中的断裂力学问题。该技术结合了Rybicki和Kanninen的方法学,用于计算断裂过程中的能量释放速率,并结合了Subb arayan和c-worker提出的基于分解的分析方法,该方法将在包装开发过程中快速进行设计开发。阶段,不会显着降低精度。在一个假想的5x5阵列封装上演示了开发过程。结果表明,在这种代表性封装上,以仅6.2%的精度损失来估算能量释放率时,可以节省近30%的时间(或加速150%)。 。先前的研究表明,分析时间几乎与包装尺寸无关,表明较大包装尺寸的无限制加速。



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