首页> 外文会议>All-Optical Networking 1999: Architecture, Control, and Management Issues >Resource allocation for multirate sessions in WDM/TDM rings

Resource allocation for multirate sessions in WDM/TDM rings

机译:WDM / TDM环中多速率会话的资源分配

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Abstract: Wavelength utilization in WDM wavelength routing networks can be improved by time division multiplexing sessions on each wavelength, and switching time slots and wavelengths. In this paper, we consider the problem of assigning time slots and wavelengths to a given set of multi-rate sessions in WDM/TDM buses and rings. Given a set of sessions and their time slot requirements, our objective is to maximize the network throughput. Bounds on frame length, and hence network throughput, under two different scheduling constraints are presented. Simulation results using a simple assignment algorithm that achieves near-optimal frame lengths are also presented.!17
机译:摘要:通过在每个波长上进行时分复用会话以及切换时隙和波长,可以提高WDM波长路由网络中的波长利用率。在本文中,我们考虑在WDM / TDM总线和环网中给一组给定的多速率会话分配时隙和波长的问题。给定一组会话及其时隙要求,我们的目标是最大程度地提高网络吞吐量。提出了两种不同调度约束下的帧长限制,进而限制了网络吞吐量。还给出了使用简单分配算法获得的仿真结果,该算法可实现接近最佳的帧长度。17



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