首页> 外文会议>Optical Diagnostic Methods for Inorganic Transmissive Materials >AC phase measuring interferometer for measuring dn/dT of fused silica and calcium fluoride at 193 nm

AC phase measuring interferometer for measuring dn/dT of fused silica and calcium fluoride at 193 nm

机译:交流相位测量干涉仪,用于在193 nm下测量熔融石英和氟化钙的dn / dT

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Abstract: A novel method for the measurement of the change in index of refraction vs. temperature (dn/dT) of fused silica and calcium fluoride at the 193 nm wavelength has been developed in support of thermal modeling efforts for the development of 193 nm-based photolithographic exposure tools. The method, based upon grating lateral shear interferometry, uses a transmissive linear grating to divide a 193 nm laser beam into several beam paths by diffraction which propagate through separate identical material samples. One diffracted order passing through one sample overlaps the undiffracted beam from a second sample and forms interference fringes dependent upon the optical path difference between the two samples. Optical phase delay due to an index change from heating one of the samples causes the interference fringes to change sinusoidally with phase. The interferometer also makes use of AC phase measurement techniques through lateral translation of the grating. Results for several samples of fused silica and calcium fluoride are demonstrated. !10
机译:摘要:为了支持开发193 nm-的热模型,开发了一种测量熔融石英和氟化钙在193 nm波长下折射率随温度变化的新方法(dn / dT)。基于光刻的曝光工具。该方法基于光栅横向剪切干涉法,使用透射线性光栅通过衍射将193 nm激光束分成几个光束路径,并传播通过单独的相同材料样本。穿过一个样品的一个衍射级与来自第二个样品的未衍射光束重叠,并根据两个样品之间的光程差形成干涉条纹。由于来自加热样品之一的折射率变化而引起的光学相位延迟导致干涉条纹随相位呈正弦变化。干涉仪还通过光栅的横向平移来利用交流相位测量技术。证明了几个熔融二氧化硅和氟化钙样品的结果。 !10



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