
Recent Advances in Soil Response Modeling for Well Conductor Fatigue Analysis and Development of New Approaches


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Well fatigue assessment is an important aspect of the design and integrity assurance of deepwaterrnriser-well systems. Fatigue damage arises from stress changes in a conductor due to cyclic loading. Inrnpractice, the lateral cyclic soil response is typically modeled using Winkler type springs known as the soilrnresistance-displacement (p-y) springs. An appropriate soil model for conductor-soil interaction analysisrnshould predict the absolute and incremental magnitudes of stresses and the resulting impact on fatigue.rnMonotonic p-y relationships (backbone curves) which were originally developed for piled foundations arernnot appropriate for well conductor fatigue analysis. To determine the appropriate soil response anrnextensive study involving physical model testing in a geotechnical centrifuge and numerical analyses wasrninitiated. The intent was to develop a robust and comprehensive approach to cover a wide range of seabedrnsoils and loading conditions specifically for conductor fatigue analysis. Soil p-y models were developedrnfor conductors installed in normally consolidated to lightly overconsolidated clays, medium-dense sandsrnand over-consolidated clays. The models rely on the cyclic response of degraded soil at the steady-staterncondition and provide fatigue life predictions with high accuracy. This paper provides an overview of thernpast and recent studies that led to development of the fatigue p-y models. It presents the results of tworncentrifuge test series conducted in normally consolidated clay and medium dense sand. Ultimately, thernpaper provides recommendations for developing p-y springs specifically for well conductor fatiguernanalysis.



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