
New Squall Wind Criteria for the Gulf of Mexico


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This paper presents new squall wind criteria for the Gulf of Mexico. Squalls are responsible for suddenrnrapid increases in wind speed and changes in wind direction, which can have a major impact upon vesselsrnand offshore structures. These need to be quantified for operability assessments and structural design.rnExtreme squall wind gusts are estimated from many years of measured hourly maximum wind gusts, fromrnthe Continuous Winds dataset of the US National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) archive. Quality control wasrnrequired to remove some anomalous high gust values. The new analysis supports key findings from arnpreliminary analysis first published in 2014, with a considerable reduction in uncertainty. The newrn10-year return period estimates of squall winds (5 second gust at 10m elevation) are approximately 32 m/s.rnThese exceed the corresponding value specified for a winter storm within API 2MET (27.7m/s). This hasrnpotential implications for operating criteria in the Gulf of Mexico.
机译:本文介绍了墨西哥湾的新的狂风标准。风是造成风速突然增加和风向变化的原因,这可能对船只和近海结构产生重大影响。需要对这些进行量化,以进行可操作性评估和结构设计。极端风是根据美国国家数据浮标中心(NDBC)档案库的连续风数据集根据多年实测的每小时最大最大阵风估算的。需要质量控制以消除一些异常的高阵风值。这项新分析支持2014年首次发表的初步研究的关键发现,并大大降低了不确定性。新的十年狂风返回期估计值(海拔10m,5秒钟阵风)约为32 m /s。rn这些超出API 2MET内为冬季风暴指定的相应值(27.7m / s)。这对于墨西哥湾的运行标准具有潜在的影响。



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