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Impact of Marlin on Crude Oil Export Operations


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The risk of an export buoy's loading hose being pierced by the spear of a billfish such as marlin is very real. Suchrnincidents are proving especially frequent on FPSOs offshore Angola, where several cases are recorded every year.rnThe consequences can be critical, to the extent of halting production if storage capacity aboard is insufficient torncover the time it takes to replace the damaged item. This is precisely what happened on Girassol in January 2010,rnresulting in shortfalls in the region of 790,000 barrels.rnThe Angolan deep offshore, where most of the country's FPSOs are concentrated, is conducive to therndevelopment of marlin as the waters bordering on the continental plateau stay warm and clear for the greater partrnof the year. In fact, petroleum activities themselves tend to draw marlin by attracting the species they feed on to thernlocations.rnThe attacks on flexibles are not deliberate, but the collateral damage, as it were, of the creatures' huntingrnexcursions. As there is no known deterrent, episodic recurrences are to be expected.rnThe best way of coping with these incidents is to be prepared for them by keeping spare hoses on site and havingrnthe appropriate vessels, procedures and personnel ready to quickly replace the damaged item. The developmentrnof temporary repair kits should also improve the response.
机译:像马林鱼这样的比目鱼的长矛刺穿出口浮标的装载软管的风险是非常现实的。这种事故在安哥拉海上FPSO上尤为常见,每年都有数起案例记录在案。如果船上的储存能力不足以致无法及时更换损坏的物品,后果就很严重,以至于停产。这正是2010年1月在吉拉斯索尔发生的事件,导致短缺790,000桶。rn安哥拉深海近海(该国大部分FPSO集中在此),由于与大陆高原接壤的水域停留,有利于马林的发展。一年中大部分时间温暖而晴朗。实际上,石油活动本身往往会通过吸引它们饲养的物种来吸引马林鱼。对软性武器的袭击不是故意的,而是对生物的狩猎活动的附带损害。由于没有已知的威慑力,因此预计会再次发作。应对这些事件的最佳方法是为它们准备备用软管,并准备好适当的容器,程序和人员以迅速更换损坏的物品。 developmentrnof临时维修套件也应改善响应。



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